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Friends of the Museums

-Guiding as a Docent

The Friends of Museums (FOM) Singapore is an associate member of the World Federation of Friends of Museums. Its mission is to assist the work of the National Heritage Board and provide members with opportunities for service through training, study and self-enrichment. membership is open to anyone who shares FOM goals.

The FOM provides guided tours in English and Japanese at the ACM on weekdays. To be a weekday volunteer guide, it is necessary to be a member of FOM. The volunteer guide is trained through a series of weekly lectures, optional field trips, and reading, as well as preparation of gallery talks and a final tour paper. Upon successful completion of the training programme, a certified docent commits to guide tours for at least one year.

To be a weekday English or Japanese guide, please email or visit the FOM website at

To find out more about the Japanese docents, please visit


Museum Volunteers

Guiding as a Docent

The Museum Volunteers (MV) comprises of guides from various professions who volunteer their time to conduct scheduled tours in English on weekends as well as on weekday evenings when there are special requests for tours held in conjunction with events/functions at the ACM.

The MV’s mission is to support the National Heritage Board (NHB) by providing an enriching museum experience for the visitor. In return, the MVs are able to enjoy much enrichment through the learning and sharing of knowledge of our heritage and ancestral cultures with museum guests and visitors.

Volunteers who wish to guide weekends and weekday evenings at NHB museums may join the MV group. Training sessions (comprising lectures, field trips) are conducted whenever there is a need to augment the existing number of guides.


Mandarin Guides (MG) 中文导览组

Guiding as a Docent





