

The following poems were commissioned to mark the opening and reopening of Reflections at Bukit Chandu.

"Adnan & Comrades, Bukit Chandu" was penned by the eminent Singapore poet and literary figure Edwin Thumboo in 2002. It pays tribute to the enduring values of the Malay Regiment soldiers and their sacrifices during World War Two.

In 2021, the National Museum of Singapore commissioned a piece by Malay poet and singer-songwriter Noorhaqmal Mohamed Noor. Titled "Tanah Sang Perwira" (or "A Hero's Land"), it was recited at the digital premiere on 8 September 2021 to mark the reopening of Reflections at Bukit Chandu.

Adnan & Comrades, Bukit Chandu

Deep rumbling guns; sharp whistle in the air;
Their shells rip up and churn our earth.
Then attacks propelled by fury. Yet no despair,
No crack in our resolve. Freedom’s worth

Is blood we shed. Our cause is just:
Our sacrifice will never, ever, be in vain.
Ta’at Setia: we hold our hill, we must.
Come comrades, duty stirs our souls again.

The enemy are many; we are few

At one strategic point they boldly came.
Across a stream, up ravines sweet with dew.
We bayonet-drove, we slew; left many lame.
From that clash their hatred grew.

Days and nights are sad with mourning;
Houses broken; those four children we can’t find;
And for the dead, the dying and the groaning.
War has no glory, only what’s bitterly unkind.

We may yield the moment, not our inner self:
A soldier’s oath, made solemnly, we keep.
Cherish duty, honour, the fellowship of life itself.
These are, as you who visit are,

Companions of our memory; guardians of our sleep.

– Edwin Thumboo, 2002

Tanah Sang Perwira

ini bukan tanah sang perwira
yang matinya mainan tuhan-tuhan dunia

ini tanah perwira
sumpah setia pada nama
negara dan bangsa

tanah jadi saksi
bedilan motar
asap dan peluru
bom dan senapang
bertabur jadi pusaka

tanah jadi saksi
seksaan dunia
antara insan
menyemai kebencian
lalu hilang peri kemanusiaan

tanah jadi saksi
bicara pena pada kertas
dalam janji tak tertunas
merdeka dirampas-rampas

tanah terus jadi saksi
setiap nama wira
setia pada tanah
pada tembok tugu
jadi parut pada hati
setiap ibu, ayah, saudara, anak dan isteri

keperwiraan hadir
keamanan mekar
saat ketakutan lebur
meski jasad terkubur

– Noorhaqmal Mohamed Noor
Singapura, 2021

A Hero's Land

This is not a hero’s land
whose death are toys to the gods of the world

this is a hero’s land
whose pledge of loyalty are to the name
country and nation

the land bears witness
to mortar blasts
smoke and bullets
bombs and guns
scattered as heritage

the land bears witness
to the world’s torture
between humans
sowing hatred
until humanity is lost

the land bears witness
to the pen’s speeches on paper
in promises not fulfilled
freedom continually seized

the land continues to bear witness
every heroes’ name
loyal to the land
placed on walls of monuments
are scars on the hearts
of every mother, father, sibling, child and wife

in the end
heroism exists
peace blooms
the moment fear dissolves
even if the body lies buried

– Noorhaqmal Mohamed Noor
Singapore, 2021