




Students visits to arts and heritage institutions

School visits to arts and heritage institutions will enable students to share common experiences, and have a greater interest and appreciation for the arts and heritage.

NHB will continue working with the Ministry of Education (MOE) to enhance the learning experience of students visiting our museums. These visits will support MOE’s learning objectives for Social Studies and History, while instilling in our youths an understanding and appreciation of our heritage. NHB also works with students and teachers on heritage projects such as the development of heritage corners and the adoption of heritage trails. Together, these serve to increase our students’ exposure to our heritage beyond the formal curriculum, and help them contextualise their learning experience in an authentic, real-world setting. 

NHB will also be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the PAP Community Foundation (PCF) to offer the Singapore’s Little Treasures Mother Tongue programme as a professional development course for all Mother Tongue language teachers teaching in PCF centres. This new MOU will enable more pre-schools and their teachers and students to benefit from the programme. 

Heritage Plan for Singapore

NHB will be rolling out a Heritage Plan for Singapore. This comprehensive and holistic national blueprint for the heritage sector in Singapore will be drawn up in consultation with heritage stakeholders, the general public, and other Government agencies.

The Heritage Plan aims to articulate the value and importance of heritage, especially in connecting people and strengthening identity and belonging; draw up plans for new strategies and initiatives for the next five years from 2018 to 2022; and envision long-term goals for the heritage sector by 2030 and beyond. Having such a long-term plan for Singapore’s heritage is timely given Singaporeans’ growing interest in our heritage and identity. It is thus important to identify the areas we can improve in. The Heritage Plan will also build on efforts of past cultural master plans. 

NHB will be embarking on a series of engagements with heritage stakeholders and community partners, and the public will also be invited to provide their views on the Heritage Plan later this year. The first edition of the Heritage Plan will be released in 2018.