Related Schemes
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
The Cultural Matching Fund (CMF) is a fund set up by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) to provide dollar-for-dollar (1:1) matching grants for private cash donations to arts and heritage charities and Institutions of Public Character (IPC).
The CMF aims to encourage giving to our arts and heritage sector. This will create a more sustainable arts and heritage scene, and one in which more people in Singapore have a stake. The CMF will match monetary donations received by the eligible organisations, from individuals, foundations and corporations. The CMF doubles the value of every cash donation for the receiving organisation which can be put to various uses, including developing capabilities for the long-term sustainability of the organisation and the cultural sector as a whole.
Learn more about MCCY's Cultural Matching Fund.
Building and Construction Authority
Accessibility Fund
This Accessibility Fund, administered by BCA under the 5-year Barrier-free Accessibility (BFA) Upgrading Programme (2007-2011) is meant to be used as a capital incentive to encourage private commercial and institutional building owners, with buildings built before 1990 that are not BFA compliant, to upgrade their existing buildings and to retrofit them with basic accessibility features.
BCA will co-pay up to 40% of the BFA upgrading works built according to the criteria for funding and subject to a cap of $150,000 per building.
For more information please visit
Media Development Authority
MDA's grant schemes are tailored to meet the needs of the media industry. For each stage of the project, from idea development, to content production, to gaining access to international markets, upskilling talent, as well as enhancing productivity, there is a scheme that can help companies achieve their objectives.
Learn more about MDA grants.
National Arts Council
Presentation & Promotion Grant
This grant supports the presentation and promotion of quality arts activities which reflect the diversity and cultural vibrancy of the Singapore arts scene, and contribute to its overall advancement.
For more information please visit
National Youth Council
To learn more about NYC's grants, please visit the following links:
Singapore Tourism Board
Tourism Development Assistance Scheme
The Tourism Development Assistance Scheme (TDAS) is a financial assistance programme which aims to incentivise companies to develop new and innovative world-class tourism products so as to enhance Singapore’s tourism product offerings and supporting services; encourage the creation of new, innovative and exciting tours and tour packages to enhance the Singapore branding, amongst others.
For more information please visit
Singapore Tourism Board
Tourism Technology Fund
Tourism Technology Fund (TTF) is a programme which aims to accelerate technology innovation and adoption in the industry by providing financial support to technology projects that would enhance visitors’ experience or improve business efficiency.
For more information please visit
Singapore Tourism Board
Multi-Lingual Tourist Sign System
A set of signage application guidelines has been developed by Singapore Tourism Board to serve as a guide to all who may be interested to align the multi-lingual tourist sign system with STB.
For more information please visit
Tote Board’s Funding
One of the key missions of Tote Board is to donate funds for activities that will make for a stronger and better Singapore. This is done by ensuring that the gaming surpluses generated through members of the group, Singapore Pools and Singapore Turf Club, are channeled back to the community for worthy causes. The recipients of such donations must possess strong corporate governance.
For more information please visit
Urban Redevelopment Authority
A-UDE Promotion Programme
The A-UDE Promotion Programme is set up to encourage and support private organisations and individuals who wish to carry out outreach activities in the areas of architecture and urban design.
For more information please visit
Asia-Europe Foundation Culture 360
Learn more about ASEF's Culture 360 grants.
Singapore International Foundation
The Singapore International Foundation (SIF) makes friends for a better world. Our programmes bring people together to share ideas, skills and experiences in areas such as healthcare, education, the environment, arts and culture, as well as livelihood and business. Through our suite of cultural exchange programmes, we harness the power of arts and culture to promote understanding for an inclusive world and deliver on social impact.
The Singapore Internationale (SI) is an arts and culture grant that supports the presentation of Singapore’s creative works overseas and Arts for Good projects that will bridge Singapore and world communities. Projects should promote awareness of Singapore’s culture, as well as share best practices and enable actions for positive change through arts and culture.
More information:
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Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations
To learn more about SFCCA's grants, please visit the following links: